STREET FEVER : Beneath the Veil of Absolution

Photography by CDIGI

As we gear up for the next edition of Modern Wav, our core values remain unchanged - experience, lasers, fog, cages, steel, leather, and faux leather from our vegan comrades. And let's not forget the most important element - sound. To be fully immersed and have your senses heightened by the mystique of the evening is what we strive for. Street Fever, with its artisanal mystique, is all set to rock the Modern Wav line-up on April 6th.

Behind the mask of the anonymous producer, cohesive art flows through a black canvas of dark electronic beats. Street Fever recently dropped a visually impressive video for their latest single, "Sinner" which is guaranteed to make you scream 'Daddy' in no time. And with tracks like "In Your Lungs," you'll definitely be coming back for seconds.

We had the chance to speak with Street Fever for a few seconds, and let's just say, the conversation was nothing short of amazing. So, let's talk shop.

Can you please tell me about the inspiration behind your new single 'Sinner' and the visuals used in the video? The track uniquely blends genres such as EBM, Drum n Bass, Industrial, and modern goth. I am curious to know about the story behind the creation of this remarkable video. Could you share some insights about it?

This video was a collection of footage I shot on tour over the last few years and some studio sessions at the art gallery I helped curate. I wanted to almost re-create certain situations in a real-world setting that I just used to go out and do myself without cameras. These poetic expressions were in real-world scenarios, and I feel it’s important to disrupt and confront people and institutions in power, so we did just that.

I think it’s our job as artists to use the privilege we have and the voices we are allowed to use and use them to our utmost ability. The amount of freedom we have to express ourselves is something I don’t take for granted. It is something I’m continuing to push myself to use and also pushing myself to see how far I can go in these sorts of grey areas of “is this legal or is this not?” and tapping into what we can get away with in the streets in broad daylight has been a very exciting journey.

Photography by CDIGI

San Diego has made its scene its own with several regular goth nights and alternative events such as Modern Wav. So, what are your thoughts on sharing the stage with the impressive lineup in the great city?

I’m extremely grateful to be playing this show and exploring new territory and playing a new space in SD. I’ve been a fan of Health for a long time and these other acts are really special as well. I’m extremely humbled to be invited to play such a carefully curated event and I’m even more excited to just check out the music and enjoy myself.

Photography by CDIGI

The music industry is a unique place for artists, as they all have their own individual experiences. So, what are the key pieces that you've learned from that keep Street Fever moving forward?

I’ve learned that it’s important for me to show up and support other artists. I think for me personally, it’s something that I truly enjoy about music, which is just connecting with others talking about art, and sharing stories. I think what keeps me going is the love and connection I get to build with other artists and the lifelong friendships I get to cherish. The music industry can be a confusing place and a really hard place to thrive if you don’t have the right people around you.

Lastly, what exciting projects does the future have in store for Street Fever that you want everyone to know about?

Well, I’ll be releasing my debut album “Absolution” out on April 2nd and touring the US and EU all year and probably for the foreseeable future. I have another album that I produced that will hopefully come out in the fall. I’ll be hosting events with @oil.move in my home town all year. I work intimately with an amazing community of artists that are a part of a shift in the industry and I’m excited to be a part of that.

Street Fever is set to release its debut album soon, and we believe that they have a bright future ahead of them. We cannot stress enough how much we value the freedom to express ourselves, and we never take it for granted. Modern Wav's upcoming event will be a testament to the power of collaboration, as we will see what happens when many creative minds come together.

During the recent Modern Wav photo shoot, which featured San Diego's Becky Giglo behind the camera, we felt the energy that Street Fever brings to their music. When their track "Sinner" played through the speakers, the room came alive.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience this energy for yourself. Grab your tickets today and join us for Modern Wav's upcoming event, featuring Health, Panther Modern, Pixel Grip, and Street Fever. The event will take place on April 6th at the Music Box in San Diego. To purchase your tickets, click the "buy" button below.




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