Being seduced by music with elements of Depeche, Camouflage & Nitzer Ebb and you will be reeled in. NORMAL BIAS released their S/T E.P. in 2022, and I am definitely late to the party. Just make sure to not be late to Modern Wav at Music Box 9/2 as they will be apart of the stellar lineup alongside electronic legends Nitzer Ebb and local starlets, Matte Blvck.
NORMAL BIAS crafted a dark banger with the track "Embody Control" that is regularly heard thoughout dark dancefloors + #healthgoth playlists. Once you hear it, you will be singing that verse and swaying in not time. Let's gets to know Chris of Normal Bias.
1) So tell us, how did Normal Bias start off. I love hearing how bands meet one another.
My previous band multiple man put out a record on Matt’s label DKA about 8 years ago. We were just boys. It was a good record but it was mixed like shit because I was 22. Matt offered to mix it so I guess we’ve been collaborating for almost a decade. I feel old. I need a drink.
2) Just by listening to Normal Bias, i know we have a lot of the similar tastes in music. What exactly is Normal Bias listening to?
I feel like all I listen to at home is some combination of Neil Diamond and stone temple pilots. If you’re talking influences I would put us in the realm of Cabaret Voltaire and severed heads. Anti tough guy, Mid 80s industrial that wasn’t afraid to sample silly bullshit.
3) Over the next coming months, NORMAL BIAS has some huge dates over the fall -- MODERN WAV + SUBSTANCE. Any new music or news on the horizon to accompany the massive shows?
We’ll have an LP done soon! Scared of how long record plants take these days. But we’re excited.
MODERN WAV scouted NORMAL BIAS for the monumental event on LABOR DAY WEEKEND 9/2 because of the incredibly music production that would sit at the same table as the many artists in your Spotify playlist. Don't miss them at
the next MODERN WAV.